Welcome to my personal website. I am Pieter E. Stek, a senior lecturer at the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
My research interests include science and technology studies, sustainability issues (including ESG and carbon markets), and economic geography, with a focus on South East Asia.
You can also learn about my work via LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Scholar.
Here you will find content about:
- My Research on the economic geography of science and technology (innovation, R&D, sustainability), and related topics,
- Mini-Tutorials mainly about R with applications for social science research.
- Discussions about personal finance/investment, economics and Malaysia, which are outside of my current research area, but where I try to present a reasoned argument.
Please use the contact form if you want to contact me.
Latest Posts
- Coconuts Falling from the Sky: Believing in Hydropower RECs with Zero Emissions
- Global relative co-authorship networks
- Malaysia’s Voluntary Carbon Market
- Korea Should Lead on International Carbon Trade Policies
- In EU-Malaysia Trade Relations, Urgent Need to Address Carbon Pricing
Article 6 ASEAN Bursa Malaysia carbon carbon credit economics environment ggplot2 greenhouse gas emissions index fund investment limer Lime Survey Linux Lubuntu Malaysia networks pajek policy quanteda R R-Conference rankings reading group REC religion Renewable Energy RSS R Studio rvest scraping Singapore software SSL stocks stopwords student mobility survey text analysis trade voluntary carbon market VPS word cloud WordPress 한글