
Welcome to my personal website. I am Pieter E. Stek, a senior lecturer at the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and until recently postdoctoral scholar at ASB’s ASEAN Research Center and the Center for Technology, Strategy, and Sustainability. I also serve as managing editor at Quality & Quantity and the start-up ROSA Journal, and as an advisor to AppliedHE.

My research interests include science and technology studies, sustainability issues (including ESG and carbon markets), and economic geography, with a focus on South East Asia.

You can also learn about my work via LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Scholar.

Here you will find content about:

  • My Research on the economic geography of science and technology (innovation, R&D, sustainability), and related topics,
  • Mini-Tutorials mainly about R with applications for social science research.
  • Discussions about personal finance/investment, economics and Malaysia, which are outside of my current research area, but where I try to present a reasoned argument.

Please use the contact form if you want to contact me.

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