Category: Tutorial
R-Conference 2022
Presentation materials for “A Math-Fearing Social Scientist’s Basic R Toolkit: Scraping, Content and Network Analysis” presented at the R-Conference 2022 organized by the Malaysian R-User Group (MyRUG), 26-27 Nov 2022. Slides (PDF) R code for Google News example R code for Tale of Two Cities example (and the text data)
Basic Text Analysis and Visualization in R
At its most basic level, text analysis is about counting words. If words are frequently used, we assume that they are important. If words occur together, we assume that they are related. Obviously, that is not always the case, but a discerning researcher like yourself will be able to filter this information, provide context and…
Corpus Loading and Text Cleaning with Quanteda in R
Assuming you have a file with text data (perhaps a spreadsheet that you have exported as a CSV file, or data scraped from Google News), you can now start to build and clean your corpus. Fortunately, this is made very easy by functions in the Quanteda package. First, we load quanteda and the corpus (mycorpus.csv…
[ASB Research Center Reading Group] Media Analysis with R
This session provides a basic introduction to media analysis using R. It addresses the full workflow of acquiring the data, cleaning and processing, and then some simple analysis and visualization. We will acquire data from two sources: Google News RSS feeds and Twitter. Before joining the session, please make sure that you have: You can…
Google News Scraping in R
Google News is a popular news aggregator that can be used to search for news from diverse sources. You may have heard of Google News alert e-mails, but you can also use the service to scrape news stories for the purposes of systematic text analysis. This post provides an example of how to use tidyRSS…
Static WordPress: Faster and More Secure?
WordPress is one of the world’s most popular content management systems and there are many reasons for this: it’s free, there are tonnes of plugins and themes (many also free), you can manage it online with minimal programming experience, etc. etc. etc. Hence, WordPress rules. But there are downsides to WordPress, which are basically this:…
Using a Korean keyboard in Lubuntu 20.04
Lubuntu, the light-weight open source Linux graphical desktop software, doesn’t have an easy way to add a Korean-language keyboard. However in a few steps, a Korean keyboard can be added. The following tutorial is based on this post on 10 Won Tips, which was written for Lubuntu 18.10, but slightly updated for Lubuntu 20.04. Step…
Https for Self-Hosted R Studio and R Shiny Apps
One of the wonderful things about R Studio (and R Shiny) is that you can host them on your own Linux server (together with Lime Survey, for example). This allows you to access these resources from different locations, let’s you run them for hours or days in the background, and let’s you share them with…
(Korean) Text Analysis in R and Pajek (incomplete)
R and its almost endless library of packages and plug-ins (CRAN) mean that you can do almost anything in R, including text analysis and network analysis. While you could do everything in R, that doesn’t mean you should. Specialized network analysis software can also be very useful when interpreting, analyzing or visualizing a network, as…
Installing Lime Survey on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS
This tutorial mainly includes links to other good tutorials and takes you through the entire process from first accessing your virtual private server (VPS) with an Ubuntu 20.04 operating system to having a fully operational installation of Lime Survey. It should serve you well in any Ubuntu-situation and is based on the tutorials I used,…